Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Running from Responsibility

A reader of this Blog asked what I would consider an embarrassing question, I'm going to paraphrase it in a completely biased manner, "How can I run away from supporting my children, what countries are out of reach of the FRO?"

What he really asked was, "How far does it go if you leave the country to avoid child support. e.g if you go to Europe or Asia. Will the FRO look for you?"

The FRO won't look for you, that's up to the recipient. They can hire someone to find you and then hand the information to the FRO. Which countries the FRO has an agreement with is another issue, they've got a good grasp on our nation's friends, but...

The real question is, "How on earth can you think of abandoning your child(ren) and your responsibility for child support?"

I know that the system can be hard on you, it's hard on the kids too. Aside from the legalities and the feelings of being trapped, the reality is you have a responsibility. I agree that there are circumstances that might be argued are unfair and would understand your comments, but the whole reason that the majority of those concerned with the FRO and the System that it supports is that people run and shirk their responsibility. It justifies the means of the FRO.

Now, I need to ask... "Why do you want to run away?" You posted anonymously, tell why you figure running is a good idea.

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