Friday, September 22, 2006

Responsibilities of Child Support

Whether you are custodial or non-custodial, a parent or a sperm-donor, if you have a Child Support Order you have a responsibility to pay your support and the FRO will do nasty things to ensure you do. Actually, they may do nasty thing even if you don't want them too, but that's another issue.

The argument that the responsibilty of an individual who was never interested in being a parent and after an momentary lapse in judgement, control, and possible structural integrity, is for another time. This is what I refer to as being a sperm-donor. For the rest of the population that are affected by Child Support laws, where there's an active interest in being a parent, or at the very least you were married and had children, the laws and the necessity of Child Support cannot be argued. The parents are mutually culpable for the creation of a child and are mutually responsible for the burdens of parenthood.

Some people, seem to feel they are not worthy of this burden. They, stereotypically men, are prone to evasion of support or disregarding the parental responsibilities. These people are more than willing to completely discard their social position and career, or hide it, in a manner that will allow them to remain affluent through evasion of Child Support.

While the premise of Child Support is financial and the government's only area of responsibility, there's quite a bit to be said against those who walk away from the role of parent. Some suggest it's because they don't want to be reminded of the relationship, others do it out of spite for their ex-whatever. While it's more common for men, there's no shortage of women who have done the same.

This is tragic, a real loss to the child, and frankly an act of cowardice. They can't face facts so they dump responsibility of parenting on the remaining parent. along with that relatively complicated role, they dump the child's trauma and the resulting psychological effects on the remaining parent and walk away. This is unfair to say the least but better than the mixed solution where the non-custodial parent is a user, abuser, and absolute ass. This sort of parent is the worst sort, they remain an influence in the worst way and have nothing more than revenge and hatred mixed in with the desire to stay in the child's life for teh sole reason of harassing their former spouse. It's all bad.

Oh, those guys that walked away, they often lean on family to support them. They rely on protection from Mommy and are tragic wastes of societal space. Suitably, they go back to leach of the parent(s) that created them and the process continues.

Be Responsible, be a parent. Pay your Child Support and Stay Involved.

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