Thursday, January 08, 2009

Child Support Judgement Questionable... What now?

It turns out that being the biological father is not the foundation of Child Support it is that you have a role as father, provider, or financial crutch. The idea that a judge can make a decision "for the good of the children" and without regard to the mother's responsibility in the matter is troubling.

The Toronto Star covered a story titled "Man must pay support though twins not his" which details the case of a man paying support for children that have been proven to be anoter man's by DNA evidence. The only problem is that DNA doesn't tell us who this might be and the ex-wife is not talking.

The laws are there to protect the children, the women are benefiting (in cases like this) though there are plenty of cases where the FRO and the courts do nothing for women, mothers, children where the support is justified.

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