Thursday, February 28, 2008 Ex seeks $50-million and alimony, challenges Quebec's common-law rules Ex seeks $50-million and alimony, challenges Quebec's common-law rules: "MONTREAL — A Montreal woman is seeking $50-million and alimony payments from her wealthy ex, arguing she deserves the same rights as a former wife even though the pair lived together without getting married."

I have often been confused at the spirit of Alimony, aka Spousal Support. While the intent is to allow a spouse to continue living (indefinately) at a level he/she (mostly she is seems) has become accustomed to, there's no responsibility in the concept for the support to end.

I can suggest that there's cause for spousal support, for a time, perhaps until the children are grown (but that's Child Support, right?) but after that, there should be some responsibility for this spouse, common-law or not, to take up the reigns of her life and become self-sufficient.

I would suggest that anyone who does not, is simply irresponsible.

Friday, February 01, 2008 Mother Bear v. Ghost Dad: Nobody wins Mother Bear v. Ghost Dad: Nobody wins: "But the truth is, mothers know their children better. We had them in and through our bodies. The attachment is primal."

There is very little truth in journalism... In fact the biases are as clear here as in the system that punishes non-custodial fathers for being men.

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