Saturday, December 15, 2007

2007 Christmas Message

Think of the children, think of them alone, do not think of what your ex has done. Think of how they need your love, and that they need to be warm and have good gloves, don't think of what you could receive, just help the little tykes believe. Give them hope and warmth and love because you are who they are thinking of. Kids need parents, both of them, don't ruin Christmas by fighting over them. Just put down those spears of vicious words and any dismiss the legal hostilities while you and they take some time to go pick out a Christmas tree. Wrap their presents with thoughts of joy, not what would win the heart of your girl or boy. There is no question of who they love more, they love you both just show them more.

It is Christmas time and it is tough for all parents, especially those who have been separated from loved ones by distance, war, and commitments of job. If you cannot find your way home, call, if you cannot call, send something for Christmas day that will reassure your children that you love them. This is not anything of incredible value, a letter, something tangible but from the heart, is all it takes. A loving note from a father or mother that is away, perhaps serving our country or simply trying to survive, is all it takes for a child to know they are loved. For the parent at home, give the child the note, read it to them and ensure they have it years later.

Merry Christmas... for the children at least.

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